Dan Appleman: Kibitzing and Commentary

My personal blog

I just released a new course on Pluralsight titled “Career and Survival Strategies for Software Developers”.
What I’ve tried to do is put in one place, all of the “stuff” about being a software developer that we want to know or need to know, that are rarely discussed, or that we’re sometimes afraid to ask about.
You know what I mean – those times in your career that you had no idea what to do – which job offer to accept? What to learn next? Is it time to change jobs? Maybe you ask a friend, or post an anonymous question on a forum. Or more likely, just take a guess and hope for the best.
Or the times when you wonder if you’re the only person who is feeling stressed about keeping up with technology, or the fact that the executive team has been locked in a conference room for three days with bankers coming in and out….
Mostly, it’s all the stuff I really wish someone had told me back when I started out. Hopefully it will save you some grief.
Here’s the official announcement and a better description: